Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Physical Chemistry: Proudly promoting masochism since 1852.

so the chemistry gets physical,
and nothin 'bout it's whimsical,
kinetics, reaction mechanisms abound-
not to mention thermo all around-
maxwell and boltzman, they're so cool,
and memorizing equations makes me drool...

the end....


Exams just suck everybit of joy, happiness, grace, mercy, H20, O2, CO2, ADP, NADPH, phosphofructokinase, transcriptase inhibitors, midaclorians, thinkymajiggas, doo dadds, and....and...and...crap....WHAT'S LEFT!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A really good buddy came down for the weekend. We met up with some other boys from home and went crazy. Possibly the best weekend I've had in a long time. We hung out at the house a bit and actually had a great time. One of the members of the apt wasn't around, so the rest of us and my buddy from home did dinner Friday night, got some work done on Saturday and just relaxed. Haven't been able to relax at home for a long time. It was great. Sunday, I went on my ride along for EMS and it was amazing. I spent 5 hours with two of the most amazing EMT's I've ever met. We went on two calls, transported two patients, and was allowed to do just about everything they needed. I took my first blood pressure, patient lift procedure, first handoff, first MVA, first medical, first time bombing down main streets on the north shore with lights blarring....and had three really awesome talks with EMT's about the job, the future and really everything. It was the first time in well....3 or so months that I looked ahead and saw something that made me happy and actually put aside the past few weeks and months...if only for a few hours. Anyway, my brain and body are overwhelmed and exhausted. I'm trying not to think about all the work, decisions, plans, conversations that pretty much have to happen this weekend...but...sigh.

It's not for nothing that He holds the sword.