Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Good ol' Northern Maine fun

The past several days have been intense. Friday night my boss gave me the night off so I got together with several of my boys and geared up for an evening of much needed northern Maine stupidity. We searched the county and found an older GMC truck that we bought for 150 bucks. The thing was a wreck...but we worked hard and got here running. Saturday we drove her out to the badlands (deep woods logging area with numerous dirt roads) where we were delighted to find another beater car dumped in the woods. We hot wired it, got her running and sent that poor honda flying down the road with the ol’tacoma close at her heels. We pulled over into a gravel pit to prep the cars for some off roading. After painting them both pink (because we can) we removed the windshields, most of the lights, any non essential features, and gassed them up. We then promptly got the tacoma stuck in a flippin' pond and spent till 5am Sunday morning pulling it out. After a few hours of sleep it was back into the woods for some hardcore northern maine rally car racing. The five of us piled in the two cars and bombed through logging roads bashing and drifting. In the midst of this I managed to mis-read the road and bash my head on the tacoma. I recieved the standard: mild concussion, big gash on the head, temporary loss of hearing you know...the normal. After having a buddy check out the wound it was deemed survivable. I tightened on my hat so as not to lose too much more blood, cleaned the blood off my glasses...and jumped back in. It was perhaps two hours later that we simultaneously crashed the GMC and tore open the fuel tank on the honda. Remember mind you we are miles away from my little berretta and my buddies' caddy. Miles of winding dirt roads with no cell reception. So, it was decided that I would start the walk back to the cars while the other guys worked on unframing the truck and trying to get it started. About an hour later they finally got it out and barely running. With my buddy sitting on the hood holding the serpentine belt on the pulley track they set off down the road pushing the honda in front of them. They picked me up and we slowly continued on our way back home. Once back at the gravel pit we beat the heck out of the truck. Including, in part, putting a large rock on the accelerator and standing back pouring .22 rounds into the radiator. After a few salvos, she blew the biggest cloud of steam I've ever seen into the cold air while melting nearly every plastic part anywhere near the block. Throughout the whole weekend our activities were interrupted by paintball guns, sling shots loaded with paintballs, spud guns, choice beverages and good ol' time toe cable. In short...I had an amazing weekend. I got absolutely nothing done that I was supposed to...and no sleep, but it was worth it.

(Please note: we are experienced in all of the above activites. Do not attempt off-roading, rallyracing, paintballing, or in general being retarded without proper adult supervision.)


Unknown said...


Heather said...

Can't say it sounds like the smartest weekend you have ever experienced....