Monday, November 06, 2006

November Life

Gordon College is amazing. In the span of one year we have somehow managed to be blocked by major online companies at various points of time; Newegg, Hotmail, eBay, Yahoo and Comcast. How does no one see this as a problem? My goodness...someone please save me from mike binns and his cronies. Why why why do I work here?

I had to turn down a request to give a friend a jump today because my favorite boss wouldn't let me leave work for 20 min...sigh. First time ever turning down a jump call. I'm turning into a horrible friend...GAAA!!!

Been trying to find a solution to my video card problem. I bought a new one a year ago hoping that it would last me for 4 years or so...I got exactly a year out of it. I've found several cards that should give me the versatility needed for the desktop for at least another 3 or 4 years but that's a lot of money. I'm not doing a lot of gaming so spending this much on a card seems kind of pointless. Despite the fact that right now I sort of need a computer to do what I need to do I'm kind of in a bind. I've thought about selling the desktop and just swapping for a laptop. I would get the simplicity and versatility I want. I guess I still have the softspot in my heart for my machine. Let's give it another month and see then. So, I don't have 130 bucks to spend on anything computery. So many more useful things I would like to spend money on if I had any. Like a new internal frame pack, artic bag, or whisper stove. Dang it...why don't I have money? Why do I feel like I have to spend money? I don't want to buy things. I hate buying things. Spending anything over 10 bucks on myself feels wrong and twitches something deep down. Drives me nuts. Spending money on other people I can do, but for some reason I loathe doing it on me; even if it is something legitimate and useful. I hate it...even if it's stuff I need or would be able to put to good use. Sigh... For now I'll just keep spending money on food, gas and books. I'll figure the rest out as I go along. For now I'm gonna risk the 12 bucks to ship this back to powercolor and hope they'll give me a new one.

I was an idiot and forgot to request an absentee ballot soon enough. For some reason it takes longer than a week to mail a ballot from home. In essence, I've just completely overlooked one of my most precious responsibilities as a citizen of this country. I've pretty much toyed all day with driving home tonight, voting, taking a quick nap, then driving back here for my emt class at 18:30. I almost did. Here I sit. A sucky citizen.

I wish it wasn't illegal to shoot condescending people. I just happen to know a few.

I'm done with dunkin donuts and coke. They kill kids.

Napalm sticks to kids -Jn . My new favorite phrase.

Been looking at dragons. Hopefully, this saturday I'm going to head up to Springfield and chat with the owner. The only question I get one dragon...or two:) I want to grow mine big enough to eat cats. Speaking of cats...I rocked one out my bedroom window with the airsoft G18c today. It was amazing. It was something I've never done before Put 4 rds into a cat whilist standing in my room talking to an overtly persistent Indian credit card salesman suffering from a cold. Something new everyday...

Here's to wishing I was anywhere but this house, but this shore....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh friend, do not be sad,
i love you lots.
you work at cet because you are amazing and nice and help poor not computer-savy blondes like myself.
we should spend more time together. i think one day i should come to your house and we should cook and then make molassas cookies. and maybe take out that bucket head of a house mate. or something.
anyway, i heart you. down with coke.