Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Favorite Contract Line:

FORCE MAJEURE - The Company shall not be responsible or liable for any delay to service the Buyer’s equipment, or provide replacement parts therefor, if such delay or failure is caused by any act of God, fire, flood, explosion, war, insurrection, riot, embargo, action, statute, ordinance, regulation or order of any government agency, shortage of labor, material, fuel, supplies or transportation, strike or other labor dispute, or any cause, contingency, or occurrence of any nature, whether or not similar to those herein before specified, beyond the Company’s control,which prevents, hinders, or interferes with the performance of said services or the supplying of said parts.

Yes, it was an act of God that the walmart on the way to the service site had an irresistible in-store Dunkin Donuts.

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