Sunday, July 16, 2006

5 Little Cards

5 Little Cards

I laid down my sword today.
I traded it for 5 flimsey notecards.
Their blue stained threads have held many words,
But today they held my defense.

As my demons raged upon me my hand longed for the powerful grip of a sword.
But I timidly revealed 5 little cards to mine enemies.
And I read.

My past was dealt with at the cross.
No demon has strength over me.
My sins died a long time ago with my Saviour.
They did not raise with Him.
The enemy has no power.
He has only lies.

Today, I lowered ancient walls of fear and shame.
Walls I built to keep those who cared out, kept the enemy in.
They have fallen.
I have revealed myself to those who I struggled to hide from.
I have revealed myself to the enemy.

Before, all that was left was what I pretended to be.
But I am a Child of the King.
Nothing can stop that now,
My heart bleeds for only one.

The road ahead is long, but I will walk it with Your strength.
I know it will hurt and my hand will long for the sword again.
Instead, I will pull those 5 battered little note cards out.

I will fall.
But this time I will fall for You.
When the blood covers my eyes,
And I can no longer read what is written on those 5 cards.
I will speak softly to my enemy.
For those 5 little cards are written on my heart.


(Thank you so much Jenn. I don't know how to say it any other way. Thank you)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is power.