Tuesday, August 08, 2006

One Way, NO, This Way. What way? I like my way.

So, you know those times when all the thoughts and chaotic ramblings that have been bouncing around your head for a long time all of a sudden congeal into a major revelation? Then, it busts and you go chasing it around frantically like a 4 year old after a rolling sugar cookie. The chaos resumes quickly. Thoughts of the summer you wanted not being the summer you had; the man you thought you were isn't the man you are; the man other people see isn't the man you really are; the list of summer things that could never happen in a million years and the life you have that is headed somewhere and you have no inkling of a clue where it's going. In addition, there are those tiny little revelations that you achieve everyday that just serve to confuse everything: wow...that factory beveled edge on that pine board really isn't straight now that I've made the cut based on the measurement using that edge, hammers are meant for nails and errant peices of house construction..not fingers, large holes in "critical areas" of one's pants are useful for working on hot summer days but damaging to one's public appearance, ice packs don't keep your lunch cold if they sit all night in your lunch box, lawn mowers don't run well without gas, hugs make the sun shine a little brighter, days with prayer are harder than days without it, it takes a few minuets to recover vision after mistakenly staring directly at the sun or steel toe boots protect your toes from falling gates and weedwackers only slightly better when being worn in comparison to sitting in the back of your car all day. Through all of these dragon rearing thoughts and mini-revelations a friend sits you down and asks for help and you honestly have no idea what to say...only that God cares darn it and so do I. Another, sits you down and tells you just how messed up you really are...and that it's okay. Wrapping up the conversation with that little bit of a loving comment that bring all the thoughts and chaotic ramblings that have been bouncing around your head for a long time into a major revelation. {Return to top} [Repeat as needed]


Heather said...

Love you man.

Unknown said...

I miss you