Saturday, October 28, 2006

Half Cooked Lobsters and Bioluminescent Mushrooms

I was rooting around online today looking for interesting tidbits of fun stuff and found a couple articles that just made me happy.

Lobster Caught "Half Cooked" in Maine

This lobster was live caught by a Maine lobsterman. I have never seen a live redish colored lobster ever and was just amazed. Unfortunately, their not going to cook this one so we can't find out how a genetic oddball lobster tastes.

New Glowing Mushrooms Found in Brazil

Glowing mushrooms in the rainforest. How can you not eat these. I mean...come on! What happens if I eat them and I glow! That'd be awesome. My only question is how exactly has no one discovered these yet? They freaking glow in the dark!

and remember kids....
All mushrooms are edible, but some...only once.

Tybo is a steller bread baker...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Street Gang In Maine

This is why the violent crime rate in Maine is so low....nobody wants to butt in on these guys' turf. Especially with mom on lead.

Going to crash hard this weekend. I have a ton of work to do but probably going to sleep all weekend. We'll see. I will post more this weekend, but the body is hollering at me to sleep. I sleep for 6 hours, am fine for two, then fall asleep at work, go somewhere and sleep for a little while, good for two hours, then fall asleep in class, sleep for a half hour, start some hw, then fall asleep on my p-chem book. Getting annoying.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Home again! Home again! Jiggety-Jig

I'm home. Huge med exam tonight, great big huge p-chem exam tomorrow and through next week. I will post about my amazing adventures maybe tonight if I think the distraction is beneficial. Other than that...I'm just not gonna sleep.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Leaving for ID tomorrow

Here I sit.
6 P-chem Hw sets behind,
P-chem in class exam wednesday
P-chem take home exam wednesday
PL exam tomorrow
PL paper due tomorrow
Money running low
Safe places running out
Sanity a long way off


I get to see my best friend tomorrow
and fly on my first jet
hang out with an amazing family
spend time with real people
heal a little, relax a little
get a good hug
and able to have some fun

somehow somehow somehow hold together

here's to chillin' on a mountain sharing the outhouse with friends and big game.
living in the trees where i should be.
will i...should i come back?

Friday, October 13, 2006

Gott sein Freitag danken

Hey everyone. I lost my usb2.0 to mini enhanced cable so the pics on my camera are stuck there for a bit until i find it. This is the problem living mainly out of your car/ friend's many more options for places to lose things. Which is bad...especially now. I have a ton of work to do and no time to do it might be later this weekend before I can post again. Brandon and I might disappear into the woods for a while this weekend I think. Necessary abondonment if you will. Anyhow, I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Where not doing biology anymore dorothy....

Last tuesday, I had the great pleasure of participating in physical chemistry lab. Thermodynamic Physical chemistry is the study of molecular level interactions and how they affect macroscopic results. We study in some depth the behavior of matter and the transformation between different forms of energy. Our task for this lab is to measure the potential energy of a piece of pizza and compare the energy content found between supreme and meat lovers. I am sure this is not a question most people just come up with at random. Only a thermodynamic chemist with waaay too much time on his hands could come up with this one. O well.

In order to measure this potential have to release it. What better way then blow it up? The instrument used to do this is...yes...called a bomb. Some chemist decided that his job was so exceptionally boring that he decided to name a piece of equipment in his lab something daring and exciting to increase the..."romantic" appeal. So, he named a cup in a bucket with a 200 dollar thermometer a bomb. Sigh. Basically, the bomb, the pic to the right, is placed in a tin bucket full of water. This assembly is then placed in a bigger bucket so as to best simulate a closed thermodynamic system. A dried, compressed pellet of sample is placed under O2 pressure in the bomb contacting a small piece of ignition wire. [Da Bomb]
When the time comes, high current is passed through the wire and the pellet is combusted. As the heat moves out of the bomb it passes into the water surrounding it. This temperature change is measured very precisely and can be used to determine the total energy content of the sample. It doesn't even really blow doesn't even sound cool. You get all psyched up for something cause your pushing the go button on a peice of equipment called an Oxygen BOMB calorimeter and then....nothing. Besides the emotional let down you may be wondering what's so bad about this lab.[Me and the ~200 dollar thermometer.] In the four hours we were in lab, we were only able to complete one of our 3 trials. [Me and the ~200 dollar thermometer]
If this isn't frustrating I don't even know what is. By the end I was about ready to take the whole darn thing and throw it down the fire escape. If one of our runs is an incomplete combustion so help me...I hope there isn't anyone actually using the fire escape right about then.

Don't get me is kind of amusing that I can now tell you exactly how much energy is in this piece of pizza but....

I made a realization today. I have finally crossed the line from biology to chemistry. Many of my chem classes prior to this semester have been occupied by biologists from various disciplines. This class, P-chem, is the first class not at all designed to be somewhat condusive to a biological student. The wierd part of it is...I'm not so sure I like it. It's a fact that I am not happy with physical chemistry...this much I know. No one in their right mind needs a thermometer that you read through a magnifying class. You couldn't find a biologist within a mile of this thing. Except of course my lab partner who is the psychotic double major below. This thermometer can be read to the thousandths place. What the heck? I don't need to know that the water inside the bomb is .043 degrees off from room temperature and slowly coming to equilibrium. I...don' I am now coming to the conclusion that spending the rest of my life putting 10 hours a day everyday inside of a lab would, for all intensive purposes, mess me up. I definately still love science...just not the kind where you get to stare at numbers all day and look longingly out the window at the real world. Looking back on my class history, I can see that most of the bio classes I took were really easy for me...and the most of the chem classes I took I had to fight through.....umm....crap? Where was my head? Have I been toying with so the wrong career? Sigh...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Here I go; There I go; Everywhere I go go!

Luckily for me the sun was shining when I woke up this morning. So, my splitting headache had a reason to run away to a more weather burdened high stress individual. Unfortunately, my homework does not share this sentiment. I have enough work to do today to keep me going till ground hogs day at least...if not the forth of july. I' m now going through the list of things and attempting to determine just what I can not do and still pass. I know this is dangerous in more ways than one, but upon the recent discovery that my body/brain is so not geared right now to walk in the halls of academia damage control and preemptive strike patterns are my primary focus. I have plenty to distract me: good friends far away, no money, lots of bills, not really sleeping, forgetting that I can say no (yeah, got that lecture again last'd think I would learn), steady discoveries of who I used to be and remembering who much I loved it, constant reminders of things I would love to leave behind, and constant realizations that when I do I will have lost...when you leave things behind you don't learn from them. The strength is in walking the distance to understanding and "grok'ing" if you will. Anyone can run the course; it takes strength and a little stupidity to walk it. When you've walked the path, been cut up, burned up and hurt, you step back and learn from it and become that much stronger.

On a lighter note I can't seem to keep my pants on. They almost fell off walking to emery yesterday. This is a problem. I put another hole in the belt which has proven largely ineffective. I'm running out of this good?